Archived News Items

News items from the 2018 AGM.
Membership Fees for 2019 are unchanged and can be found at 2018 Membership Fees
Willogarth now has its otter fence and work parties will be organised in the new year to sort out pegs etc. Stocking is an ongoing discussion with the EA.

Top Water, Parking at Burnfoot Farm
The landowner has requested members display something in windscreens to identify as “authorised” members parking to fish. For now please leave your 2018 year card on display.
From 2019 the year card will come with a “Display when parking at Burnfoot Farm” section.
Your assistance in this matter would be greatly appreciated.

Members will not have access to East Sockburn from from the 1st June 2018, NYSD are giving up this water.

News items from the 2017 AGM.
Membership Fees for 2018 have changed and can be found at 2018 Membership Fees

Croft Water
Following a change of ownership the top boundary is now further downstream. The map shows the correct fishing limits marked A – B, but in short the top boundary is the top of pag 50. Over the next couple of weeks the notice board will be moved from Clow back to the correct position.
Croft Boundary Map

Water Update, Croft
Whilst confrimation is sought would members please refrain from using the top pegs at Croft, at this time please consider peg 50 the top of this water. Will members also please note that the access to this water is either through the Mill or via the public footpath under Croft Road bridge.

Water Closure
Members are advised that Peircebrigde Waters will be closes on the 26th February for a rearranged Match.

News items from the 2016 AGM.
Membership Fees for 2017 are unchanged and can be found here

News items from the 2015 AGM.
Membership Fees for 2016 have changed and can be found here

Waters :-
Snipe Lane – Controlled by Friends of Snipe Lane, members are welcome to fish.
East Sockburn Farm – Controlled by NYSD, members are welcome to fish Monday-Saturday.

To All Salmon Anglers.
On October 11th 2015, It your are fishing DBTAA Water or the Asscoiation water at Peircebrigde and are furtunate enough to catch a Salmon or Sea Trout could you please inform the Club Chairman (Nigel Spratt) on 01325-262163, This is to aid a population survey being run by Mr Olly Shepherd.

Environment Agency Survey Match
Our Coniscliffe Waters are closed for the above match on Sunday 30/08.

Update on DBTAA Waters.
The club no longer has fishing rights at Dalton Fields.
Killerby Farm, members should introduce themselves over the intercom at the security gates.

Update on NYSD Waters. (DBTAA Members can fish NYSD waters Monday-Saturday)
The club no longer has fishing rights at Over Dinsdale (pegs 1-33)
The club has secured fishing rights at East Sockburn Farm, formerly DBTAA water.

News items from the 2014 AGM.
Membership Fees for 2015 have not changed for the club but the Association fees have changed and can be found here

Amendment to List of Waters
From 31/10/2014 can members please note we no longer have fishing rights at East Sockburn Farm.


From the Angling Trust
Please note I have put a new link on the Useful Links page titled (Report Poaching) which will take you to a page on the Angling Trusts website it informs you on how to report a theft of fishing rights i.e. poaching.
Please do take a minute to make a note of the code 116/11 to use if you ever need to report a case of the Theft of Fishing Rights, i.e. poaching, to the police.

News items from the 2013 AGM.
Mr J. Brown has stepped down from being Chairman of the club but will continue to be a member of the committee, the committee would like to thank him for his tireless work in the post.
He has been replaced by the Deputy Chairman, Mr N. Spratt and his role has been taken over by Mr G. Todd.
Mr R.Bird has stepped down from the committee.
Membership Fees for 2014 have changed and can be found here

News items from the 2012 AGM.
Mr G Nicholson has kindly agreed to join the committee.
Membership Fees for 2013 remain unchanged for a second consecutive year (Joining fee £20, Full Membership £41). ADTAC fees also remained the same @£11
The top boundary for the water at Croft is the Clow Beck mouth.

Rule Change
Fishing Rule 6(b) on page 11 of Member Rule Book to be:
Spinning Allowed on Tees and Wear in accordance with Environment Agency by laws.